Robert F. Kennedy jr tar bladet fra munnen - også om klimaendringer

Started by translator, 11.07.2023, 12:15:29

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Climate issues and pollution issues are being exploited by the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates and all of these big mega billionaires the same way that covid was exploited; to use it as an excuse to clamp down, top down totalitarian controls on society and to give us engineering solutions, and if you look closely, as it turns out, the guys who are promoting those engineering solutions are the people who own the IPs, the patents for those solutions.

They have given climate chaos a bad name because people now see that it is just another crisis that't being used to strip down the wealth of the poor and to enrich billionaires. I for 40 years have had the same policy on climate and engineering, you can go check my speeches from the 1980s and I've said the most important solution for environmental issues is not top down controls, it is free market capitalism. What we have in this country now is not free market capitalism, it is corporate ?? capitalism, it's capitalized cushy kind of socialism for the rich and a brutal, barbaric, mercyless capitalism for the poor.

A true free market remote sufficency and efficency means the elimination of waste, and pollution is waste, in a true free market would require us to properly value our natural resources and it's the undervaluation of those resources that caused us to use them wastefully. In a true free market you can't make yourself rich without making your neighbours rich and without enriching your community. But what polluters do is they make themselves rich by making everybody else poor, they raise standards of living for themselves by lowering quality of life for the rest of us and they do that by escaping the discipline of the free market. You show me a polluter, I'll show you a subsidy, I'll show you a fat cat using political clout to escape the discipline of the free market and force the public to pay his production costs.   

Robert F. Kennedy JR
"Media har sluttet å granske makthaverne på vegne av innbyggerne.
I stedet har de begynt å granske innbyggerne på vegne av makthaverne"
---------Helena Edlund


Dette synes jeg er et oppsiktsvekkende sitat (med forbehold om feil eller misforståelser fra min side, så endres ikke budskapet!) fra en mann som i årevis har profilert seg som en aktivist og dommedagsprofet når det gjelder klima (Patrick Moore har skrevet mye om RFK JR.s klimaalarmisme), men det er kanskje ikke så overraskende, nærmest en logisk konsekvens, av den behandling Kennedy selv fikk oppleve fra maktapparatet etter at han begynte å stille spørsmål ved den offisielle covid-19-versjonen.

Kennedy forteller også at attentatet på hans onkel 22. november 1963 var en konspirasjon som involverte CIA, og at bakgrunnen var at den militære ledelsen i Washington ønsket å sende 250 000 soldater til Vietnam, hvilket ville bety en kraftig opptrapping av krigen. Dette sa JFK bestemt nei til og han skal derimot ha uttalt at han ville trekke alle amerikanske soldater ut av Vietnam innen 1965. Dette var i oktober 1963, bare en måned før skuddene i Dallas. Det som siden skjedde var at hans visepresident og etterfølger, Lyndon B. Johnson, sendte de 250 000 soldatene året etter. Resultatet vet vi: 56 000 amerikanske soldater kom aldri tilbake og et langt større antall unge amerikanere fikk fysiske og psykiske skader for livet.

Kennedy anbefaler en bok om konspirasjonen mot sin onkel: James W. Douglass, JFK and the unspeakable, utgitt 2010
(undertittelen fascinerer meg litt: Why he died and why it matters. Det får meg til å tenke på Stephen Koonins bok om klima som står i bokhyllen her. Den heter Unsettled, What Climate Science tells us, what it doesn't, and why it matters)

Det er klart at når man får vite at attentatet på USAs 35. president ble utført av eller på oppdrag av CIA, landets egen etterretningstjeneste, med den hensikt å utvide en krig som presidenten var imot, så faller alle (tidligere) illusjoner om hva slags verden det er vi lever i. Den såkalte Warren-kommisjonen, som ble opprettet for å granske drapet på JFK, var i realiteten en dekkoperasjon utført av CIA for at ingen skulle stille spørsmål ved om CIA var involvert, og de som likevel gjorde det, fikk stemplet "konspirasjonsteoretiker". Dette begrepet ble opprettet av Warren-kommisjonen for at ingen skulle stille spørsmål, ifølge Kennedy.

Han forteller videre at Mike Pompeo, Trumps utenriksminister og tidligere CIA-sjef, skal ha sagt til ham at "hele toppetasjen i CIA består av mennesker som ikke tror på demokratiske institusjoner".

CIA er også dypt involvert i mørkleggingen av Hunter Bidens pc, de kan "fikse" eller stjele valg, ta livet av personer, lage små kriger og bestikke folk, ifølge Kennedy. CIA har også et eget investeringsfond, In-Q-Tel, som har store eierinteresser i Tech-selskaper (Facebook, Google osv.) og har inngått hemmelige kontrakter med deres ledere (som kan bli sendt til 20 år i fengsel hvis de så mye som innrømmer å ha signert disse kontraktene). Han forteller videre om Operation Mockingbird fra 1973, da massevis av journalister over hele verden kom på CIAs lønningsliste for at de skulle propagandere nyheter slik CIA ønsket. Dette skulle offisielt ikke skje i USA, forteller Kennedy, men i 2016 endret president Obama loven slik at CIA lovlig kunne drive propaganda overfor amerikanere. Han antyder videre hva denne propagandaen, eller narrativet, har å si for amerikaneres syn på Ukraina-krigen i dag.

Intervjuet jeg referer fra kan ses her:
Gå inn i kommentarfeltet på youtube, øverst er det linker til alle temaene, f.eks. "JFK assassination conspiracy" hvis du ikke vil se hele intervjuet som er på over 2 timer. Jeg anbefaler å se det hele. Kennedy har en "rusten" stemme, men den engelske tekstingen er meget god.
"Media har sluttet å granske makthaverne på vegne av innbyggerne.
I stedet har de begynt å granske innbyggerne på vegne av makthaverne"
---------Helena Edlund


Quote from: translator on 11.07.2023, 15:13:29Kennedy forteller også at attentatet på hans onkel 22. november 1963 var en konspirasjon som involverte CIA, og at bakgrunnen var at den militære ledelsen i Washington ønsket å sende 250 000 soldater til Vietnam, hvilket ville bety en kraftig opptrapping av krigen. Dette sa JFK bestemt nei til og han skal derimot ha uttalt at han ville trekke alle amerikanske soldater ut av Vietnam innen 1965. Dette var i oktober 1963, bare en måned før skuddene i Dallas. Det som siden skjedde var at hans visepresident og etterfølger, Lyndon B. Johnson, sendte de 250 000 soldatene året etter. Resultatet vet vi: 56 000 amerikanske soldater kom aldri tilbake og et langt større antall unge amerikanere fikk fysiske og psykiske skader for livet.

Kennedy anbefaler en bok om konspirasjonen mot sin onkel: James W. Douglass, JFK and the unspeakable, utgitt 2010


Nevnte bok er forresten bestilt. Jeg sjekket den ut på Amazon, som er suveren på presentasjoner, men bestilte på Adlibris. Det ble billigere 8)
"Media har sluttet å granske makthaverne på vegne av innbyggerne.
I stedet har de begynt å granske innbyggerne på vegne av makthaverne"
---------Helena Edlund


Jeg har akkurat hørt ferdig intervjuet Tucker har hatt med Robert F. Kennedy Jr. på Twitter. Det er litt vanskelig å finne via Document, men her er den direkte linken:

I dette intervjuet, som er tekstet på godt engelsk (klikk på cc i skjermbildet) snakker Kennedy om Ukraina, attentatet på sin onkel JFK, hvordan CIA har infiltrert myndighetene i en rekke demokratier og i den forbindelse kommer han også inn på bakgrunnen for covid-pandemien, og han tar opp invasjonen av migranter fra hele verden langs USAs grense i syd. Dette er en bombe av et intervju og jeg anbefaler alle å se det!

Noen høydepunkter:

Om Ukraina i 2014 (Etter 22 minutter):

QuoteA month before that government was overthrown. Victoria Nuland was part of a centerpiece of neocon ideology and who is now a high level official in the State Department, has a secret call with the U.S. ambassador, which is tape recorded and is now public, which anybody can go and look up, where she is picking the new cabinet for the Ukraine, which is a U.S., western cabinet. So they are picking the new government a month before the old government is overthrown.

Om JFK-attentatet (etter 50 min):

QuoteBut for people who aren't really kind of panoramic of what happened, I think the best book that's been written about it, is Jim Douglas's book which is called The Unspeakable, because here is something that after the Warren Commission that became the orthodoxy and New York Times and all the major news organizations have enforced that orthodoxy, and anybody who challenged the orthodoxy becomes a conspiracy theorist.

And in fact, in 1967, the CIA sent a letter out to -- telecom out to all of its Operation Mockingbird people, which are all the assets it had in the American, perhaps more than 400 people, editor, senior editor, senior writers, the American press saying from now on, anybody with questions in the single gunman theory of the Kennedy assassination should be characterized as a conspiracy theorist.

What happened after that is that in 1979, the House Assassinations Committee met for a year and a half, and they looked at much more evidence that the Warren Commission, including Allen Dulles. Allen Dulles was on the Warren Commission. He was the head of the CIA when my uncle fired him. When my uncle died he said, 'I'm glad that little shit is dead, he thought he was a God.' That's what he said to a young reporter. And then he becomes head of the commission that, it shouldn't have been called the Warren Commission.

Earl Warren had a full time job at the Supreme Court. All the other guys on the Warren Commission had full time jobs as senators and congressmen. The only guy who went to every meeting and looked at every piece of evidence and developed the questions for the witnesses was Allen Dulles. He was running the entire Warren Commission and he should have been the prime suspect in the crime. And he was communicating sectretly with the people at the CIA, with David Atlee Philips, with George Joannides, who was the CIA liaison, telling them what questions were going to be asked what they should reveal. And with J. Edgar Hoover, at the same time, the whole thing was a coordinated kind of kabuki theater. But then Congress goes back and investigates it in '79 and Congress then comes back after a year and a half, seeing a lot more stuff and says they conclude this was a conspiracy.

Om sitt besøk til Yuma ved muren langs grensen til Mexico (etter 1 time, det vises også et kort videoklipp fra hans besøk der):

QuoteTucker: What did you learn from that?
RFK Jr: Oh, you know what I saw was so extraordinary that it took me three days to even understand what I was looking at. Because the first night, I got to Yuma and I get to the wall at 2. a.m. and I watch the first group, there is a gap in the wall there and I watch the first group come across, which is about 100, 110 men from West Africa, mainly from Ghana. They are all sort of military age men from Ghana. They are men between 18 and 25.

So I expected to see a lot of Central Americans coming up, but that was not what I saw. And then the next group was about the same number. There were two busloads of people, and I interviewed every one of them. I think we need to close that wall, we need to close that border right now. And I'm going to explain to you why a lot of people come to this issue from a sort of nationalistic or even rasist or a xenophobi posture and I'm not coming from that place. I'm coming from a place of compassion and a place of, just concern for our country.

And, by the way, I was a person who ridiculed Trump's wall. So now I've been down there and I've talked to everybody down there, and I have a different position. I don't think you need to build a 2,200 mile physical barrier from Sand Diego to Brownsville, Texas. But we definitely need physical barriers in densely populated area, because we cannot survive what's happening there.

Now, the next group that came over were about 110 people, too, but the cartels dropped them on right on the other side in these buses and there's 55 people per bus. There were people from Azerbaidzjan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, from Pakistan, Tibet, Nepal and many from India. And the most came from China. There were only two families we met the entire night who were from Latin America, none from Central America. And they were the only ones had legitimate claims of asylum. Everybody else went here to have a better life. If that's why you come to America, then you have to go through the front door. You go to the embassy.

They [The Border Patrol] fingerprint them and see if they have a criminal record. If so, they're put in a different process. Otherwise, they're asked where they want to go. And if they don't have a plane ticket, they are brought to the airport. The DHS purchased them a ticket and sends them anywhere they want to go in the United States.

So they just open the border and they've had this open border policy where they have not hired the judge. That is the most important thing that needs to be done. The judges need to be hired so that these cases, the asylum cases, can be adjudicated right at the border. And people who are not entitled to asylum are sent back. But that is not what's happening.

What happens is they're all given claims and they're told to appear in court and they go to an arraignment fairly soon after arriving in Boston or New York or Miami or Minneapolis or wherever they're going. And then they're given a court date, which on average is seven years out.

The cartels are now controlling the immigration policy in the United States. All of these people who came across knew exactly what was going to happen to them because they had seen it on advertisements. The cartels are sending around the world, the Tik-tok and on YouTube. It tells you what you need to do to get in. Where to, what airport you fly into, what visas to get, how to get them, and how to get to the cartel parking lot where the buses will take you. Some fly into Nicaragua. Most of them fly directly to Mexico City and from anywhere in the world. They are not Central American, Latin American. The cartels assist them getting a mexican visa, and then they are put on a domestic flight to Mexicali.

In Mexicali, there's a big parking lot with buses operated by the cartels. The cartels charge them between 10,000, 15,000 $ to get through. And then they drive them up to the wall and they unload and we watch them unloading on the other side. Large numbers of them get abused, they get exploited, they get robbed, raped, beaten. 
(noe forkortet)

"Media har sluttet å granske makthaverne på vegne av innbyggerne.
I stedet har de begynt å granske innbyggerne på vegne av makthaverne"
---------Helena Edlund


Quote from: translator on 26.08.2023, 16:02:35There were people from Azerbaidzjan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, from Pakistan, Tibet, Nepal and many from India. And the most came from China. There were only two families we met the entire night who were from Latin America, none from Central America. And they were the only ones had legitimate claims of asylum.

Det mest overraskende jeg leste her var hans påstand om at latinamerikanere er i klart mindretall blant de som velter inn over USA sørgrense - mot nettopp Latin-Amerika. Det må jeg si var overraskende, hvis Kennedy har reelle tall for dette, vel å merke.


JEG ble overrasket over at Kennedy i det hele tatt tok opp denne problemstillingen! I intervjuet jeg refererte til i starten av denne tråden, som er noe eldre, nevnte han migrasjon bare i en bisetning, og jeg fikk inntrykk av at han ikke var særlig bekymret for migrasjonen i syd. Og i dette nye intervjuet med Tucker bekrefter han det, for som jeg siterte ham på:

QuoteI was a person who ridiculed Trump's wall. So now I've been down there and I've talked to everybody down there, and I have a different position. I don't think you need to build a 2,200 mile physical barrier from San Diego to Brownsville, Texas. But we definitely need physical barriers in densely populated areas, because we cannot survive what's happening there.

Denne nye erkjennelsen har Kennedy altså kommet til etter å ha tilbrakt noen timer (en natt) i grensebyen Yuma, Arizona. Han forventet at latinamerikanere skulle strømme inn, men det var altså nesten bare folk fra Afrika og Asia. Han sier ikke at dette er tilfellet overalt langs grensen, men det var slik den natten han var der og observerte. Det han sier videre synes jeg er enda mer sjokkerende; det er de mexicanske kartellene som styrer hele virksomheten og lokker folk fra overalt i den tredje verden via apper som Tik-tok og youtube som de sender inn med fly til Mexicali og deretter transporterer dem til grensen i hopetall. Det korrupte Biden-regimet bare tar imot og sender dem videre til byer og distrikter over hele USA (dette sier ikke Kennedy:) med den hensikt å vippe flertallet i demokratisk retning. Ja, for de får jo selvsagt stemmerett, selv om asylsøknaden først skal behandles om 7 år!

Men RFK Jr imponerer. Han har endret mening om klimasaken, etter at han så hva den falske covidpandemien var for noe, og han har definitivt endret mening om Trumps grensemur (som han latterliggjorde) etter at han selv besøkte grensen. Dette synes jeg det står respekt av!
"Media har sluttet å granske makthaverne på vegne av innbyggerne.
I stedet har de begynt å granske innbyggerne på vegne av makthaverne"
---------Helena Edlund