California følger Trump om skogbranner

Started by ConTrari1, 21.06.2021, 13:43:54

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Som med Wuhan-virusets opphav, som med bruk av forbyggende og lindrende Corona-medisiner, så også nå med skogbranner: Trump hadde rett!

Å tynne ut vegetasjon i skogbunnen ble regnet som miljøfiendtlig -sikkert også rasistisk- fordi Trump anbefalte dette.

Som med Corona er det sannsynlig at liv kunne vært spart dersom man hadde tatt mer hensyn til virkeligheten enn til å følge et blindt Trump-hat.

Trump was RIGHT! California will spend $500 MILLION this year to thin its 33 million acres of forests to lessen the chance of wildfires - after former president was laughed at in 2018 for suggesting raking the woodland floor


California is adopting former Donald Trump's plan to thin out the state's 33 million acres of forests with controlled burns and raking the woodland floor - after state officials essentially laughed off the former president's idea a few years ago.

Trump had suggested in 2018 that the Golden State start sweeping its forest floors of debris that often aids in the spread of wildfires.

But by Aug. 2020, at the peak of the state's wildfire season, his suggestion became an ultimatum when he withheld wildfire financial aid on the basis of California's failure to clear its forests of dead trees, branches and leaves, Politico reported at the time.

Now, California is putting Trump's plan into practice statewide as groups of 12-person crews set about a $500 million effort to thin the state's forests with controlled burns and sweeping the forest floors of pines, redwoods and firs, according to a recent Bloomberg report.

TDR -Trump Derangement Syndrome- vil kanskje bli regnet som en sær form for mental lidelse av fremtidens psykologer. Det er en slags ironisk rettferdighet at flere amerikanske medier har fått en sterk nedgang i popularitet, når de ikke lenger kan legge skylden for alt galt på Trump. 51% av amerikanerne mener nå at det var valgjuks ved presidentvalget. Det alene burde være nok til å iverksette omfattende granskning fra regjeringens side, men det er selvsagt utelukket at de vil skyte seg selv i foten på den måten.

And let me remind you of one more thing: There was nothing "abnormal" about Trump's presidency. He didn't speak in polished, orotund, meaningless, and dishonest phrases like his immediate predecessor, but he was a spectacularly good president who put the American people first. What was abnormal was the Democrat response to him – especially the response by the drive-by media, which deliberately and dishonestly painted him as a madman, even as they're working now to take the derelict and demented Biden and pretend he's a statesman.
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