Klart eller skyer; lik LW overflate utstråling

Started by PetterT, 28.02.2021, 21:32:39

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Måtte det en finansanalytiker til for å avsløre NASA?
Zoe Phin rapporterer
Effect of Clouds on Global Upwelling Radiation

The standard greenhouse effect narrative is that infrared absorbing gases prevent radiation from reaching space and this causes warming at the surface (thus more radiation). Well we clearly see that's not case. If clouds (water vapor + aerosols) hardly changes outgoing surface radiation, then the whole hypothesis is in error. Less top-of-atmosphere outgoing radiation doesn't cause surface heating and thus more radiation from the surface, despite the increase in downwelling radiation.

Når ikke engang skyer, som teoretisk skal ha stor varmepåvirkning, gir noen forskjell på utgående LW stråling fra jordoverflaten, da kan < 0,002 % CO2 fra fossil energi (isotopmålt) ignoreres fullstendig.
Konklusjon:  Ingen AGW effekt av fossil CO2.
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