Moro med Michael E. Mann

Started by stjakobs, 23.09.2014, 21:41:13

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De fleste som har fulgt med i klimadebattene i media i noen år, har fått med seg at hockeykølle-konstruktøren Michael E. Mann, har gått til rettssak mot Mark Steyn. Denne siste skrev en artikkel der han, etter min mening, ganske riktig anklaget Mann for juks og bedrag.
Dette har blitt en ganske langvarig prosess grunnet en inkompetent dommer (i følge Steyn).
Det har etter hvert gått opp for en del media at en eventuell dom mot Steyn vil medføre en ganske dramatisk innskrenking av ytringsfriheten i USA. Dette må gi en alvorlig hodepine for de redaksjonene som «heier på» Mann og hans oppdiktede hockeykølle.

Pointman har skrevet en ganske fornøyelig artikkel om dette. I tillegg beskriver han at Mann har startet et «twitterton» kalt «AskDrMann». Her kan man spørre ham om hva som helst. Dr. Mann har fÃ¥tt det ganske travelt, da han mÃ¥ blokkere en del av de som kommer med spørsmÃ¥l, da det ellers blir for pinlig.  Det ser til og med ut til Ã¥ gÃ¥tt sport i Ã¥ komme med spørsmÃ¥l som fÃ¥r deg blokkert. Eksempel pÃ¥ hva som blir spurt om:
Quoteâ??Was â??hide the declineâ? referring to a temperature proxy or your reputation?â?
â??What is greater, temp increase in the last 15 years or the number of amicus briefs filed on your behalf in Mann v Steyn?â?
â??Were you happy with the fake book reviews you had Skeptical Science Cook up for you?â?
â??If Global Warming means both warmer and colder weather simultaneously, how do you know when itâ??s fixed?â?
â??How many hrs a day on average wud u spend fastidiously blocking people on Twitterâ?
â??Although youâ??re a young scientist, what *so far* do you regard as your greatest contribution to our ignorance about nature?â?
â??Donâ??t think of them as questions from trolls, think of them as questions you may have to answer under oathâ?
â??Why is only the 3% of CO2 thatâ??s human-emitted catastrophically dangerous, while the 97% thatâ??s emitted naturally isnâ??t?â?

Slik går det når man har laget sin egen Mann made global warming.

Pointmans artikkel:

Manns «AskDrMann»:

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.


Nytt forskningsresultat!
Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.


Litt flere sitat fra «AskDrMann»:

QuoteLike mass education, literacy, democracy etc., climate skepticism is essentially a *Western* problem. What can Africans teach us?

Only the left really takes idea of climate threat seriously. Doesnâ??t this prove climate skepticism is about politics not science?

Big thanks to #AskDrMann for introducing me to so many right-minded people and in particular @MarkSteynOnline

The Heartland Strategy Doc "leak" was a revelationâ??sinister, anti-intellectual, repellent prose. Did you help Peter write it?

Isn't it time to resign before you disgrace climate science further?

Do diurnal carbon emissions cause you less discomfort than nocturnal emissions?

The #AskDrMann hashtag showed me how much of the science 'deniers' actually know

Very good post. Thx Brad! @intrepidwanders @BradPKeyes The Mannathon at #AskDrMann was comedy gold, shows how much #AGW hype harmed science.

Could you confirm for us when you stopped beating your data?

Is there any way we could debate the deniers *without* giving ordinary people the false idea that there's still a debate?

When Jones accused you of "hiding" dataâ??the most anti-scientific verb in Englishâ??how did you preserve your honor w/o litigation?

Defending yur work in public forum is GREAT way 2 'communicate science'. If u block yur adversaries, the debate's gone

If I send you my contact info will you massage my data? Oh yeah Mannie.

How many climatologists does it take to screw in a light bulb? All of them because consensus dammit!

Nobel prize-winning climate scientist @AlGore says the earth's interior is "several million degrees" hot. Is it true?

US Govt spent more than $130B on "Global Warming". Should this have instead gone to fusion, medical research or to space program?

Per Richard Glover: Surely it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies. Agree?
Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.