Greenpeace sin aksjon mot Willie Soon

Started by Ryddegutt, 28.09.2016, 09:58:46

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Her er en leseverdig artikkel fra 2015 rundt Greenpeace sin aksjon mot Willie Soon og hvordan det ble en "sannhet" blant fjolsene i CAGW leiren at Soon var "korrupt". Når disse amøbene demonstrerer hvor lettlurte de er i saken med Willie Soon så er det kanskje ikke så rart at bedragere som Mann har hatt en så enkel jobb med å svindle det samme publikumet med sine skriverier:

QuoteUnfortunately for the newly inspired leftist environmentalists, the market economies responded all too effectually to their initial demands for clean air, clean water, and recycling waste. The charge against the (semi) capitalist economies that they were "polluting" nature did not lead to the statist, controlled economy desired by collectivists. Acid rain, the ozone hole, aerosol cans, "species extinction"—none of it was alarming enough to rally the pubic against the industrial society itself.

The environmentalist movement cycled through all this, demanding and obtaining as much regulation, expenditure of corporate resources, and limits on exploration and development as their endless series of "causes" would carry. But at the end of the day, the market economy still prospered. Just as capitalism had survived and disproved the Marxist prophecy that it would impoverish more and more workers and so lead to revolution. And had survived the Leninist attack that capitalism causes wars as WWII; unfortunately for that charge, the statist, national socialist economies of Germany, Italy, and Japan attacked the freer liberal capitalist nations.

How could it be demonstrated that the market economy, the industrial revolution, and the consumer economy as such was fatally flawed? In this context, global warming was a godsend. Here was a hypothesis that the very motor, the lifeblood of the modern economy—its engine—energy—was going to destroy the globe. The effects were not to be expected now, could not be disproved by observation in our time, because the catastrophe was a century away. But NOW was the time to begin to shut down the the industrial economy, shut down the entire fossil fuel industry—oil, natural gas, coal—and all the new and hateful innovations such as fracking that poured forth new and cheaper energy. Now was the time to shut it down to stem the apocalypse coming a century hence.

This theory, which is just another rationalization for attacking the modern industrial economy, was seized upon by the environmentalist leadership with all the fervor, the moral passion, once attached to communism, the socialist ideal. If environmentalism gained power and influence with exponential speed it is because it inherited the frustrated idealism that once made socialism a world ideal.

There are differences, of course. Every socialist regime from Russia and Eastern Europe to China to Vietnam and Cambodia to Cuba sooner rather than later smothered all dissent—by censorship, regimented education, terror, concentration camps, liquidation. These methods are not available, at least not yet, to the born-again socialist leadership of the environmental movement; but wherever they have gained power they have assiduously fostered the next best thing: bringing to bear the power of the media, pressure groups, advocacy organizations, and influence within universities and government to deliver the equivalent of an 80 percent Brooklyn stomp.

Just ask Dr. Willie Soon

Kilde: WUWT