Ny artikkel slakter "global warming" og AGW/CO2-hypotesen

Started by Telehiv, 28.12.2015, 00:22:25

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"The Most Comprehensive Assault On 'Global Warming' Ever"

Det er alltid bekymringsfullt når AGW/CO2-overbeviste forskere med et veldig smalt vitenskapelig grunnlag uttaler seg skråsikkert om de ekstremt komplekse og kompliserte klimavariablene, og tilsvarende interessant når en mer flerfaglig/bredere skolert naturviter foretar en samlet vurdering av den faktiske vitenskapen bak klimaalarmismen.

Mike van Biezen er adjunct professor ved Compton College, Santa Monica College, El Camino College, og Loyola Marymount University og underviser i Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, og Earth Science (Earth Science kan kreve en nærmere forklaring for norske lesere, for dette er meget relevant for det vi snakker om her, sitat wiki: "Earth science" or geoscience is an all-encompassing term that refers to the fields of science dealing with planet Earth.[2] It can be considered to be a branch of planetary science, but with a much older history. There are both reductionist and holistic approaches to Earth sciences. The formal discipline of Earth sciences may include the study of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. Typically, Earth scientists will use tools from physics, chemistry, biology, chronology, and mathematics to build a quantitative understanding of how the Earth system works, and how it evolved to its current state.).
Van Biezen er anerkjent som en av de sentrale pionerer bak nettbasert universitetsundervisning og har en svært stor produksjon rundt dette (se link nederst).

Van Biezen opplyser at han for inntil 7 år siden ikke skilte seg spesielt fra dem som innledningsvis godtok "the premise that adding massive amounts of CO2 to the air would cause temperatures to rise".

Men da han begynte Ã¥ se nærmere pÃ¥ det faktiske datagrunnlaget for dette, observerte han raskt en første alvorlig empirisk innsigelse mot CO2-hypotesen, nemlig at opprinnelige mÃ¥ledata for perioden 1940-1980 viste en tydelig kaldere trend enn man framviser nÃ¥, samtidig som CO2-nivÃ¥et økte betydelig i samme periode. Som vitenskapsmann tilsa dette at han â??could not ignore this subtle hintâ?.

De siste 7 årene har han derfor gjort en omfattende kritisk vurdering av AGW/CO2-hypotesen og hvordan klimadata behandles, der vi begrenser oss her til å gjengi hovedpunktene han har gått ut til media med. Før han begynner sin 10-punkts kritikk risser Van Biezen opp noen sentrale statusbilder for klimadebatten:

- The global average temperature has increased since the 1980â??s. 
- Since the 1980â??s glaciers around the world are receding and the ice cap of the Arctic Ocean has lost ice since the 1980â??s, especially during the summer months. 
- The average global temperature for the last 10 years is approximately 0.35 degrees centigrade higher than it was during the 1980â??s.

Så langt så bra, men Van Biezen peker så på at dette i neste omgang brukes til å hevde ting man ikke har vitenskapelig dekning for:

- The global warming community has exploited these facts to â??proveâ? that human activity (aka burning of fossil fuels) is the cause of these increasing temperatures. 
- But no direct scientific proof or data has been shown that link the current observations to human activity. 
- The link is assumed to be simply a fact, with no need to investigate or discuss any scientific data.

Dermed finner van Biezen det vitenskapelig nødvendig Ã¥ trekke fram "10 of the many scientific problems with the assumption human activity is causing â??global warmingâ? or â??climate changeâ?:

1. Temperature records from around the world do not support the assumption that todayâ??s temperatures are unusual.
Kort sagt forklarer han her hvorfor historiske data er "directly contradictory to what would be expected if global warming were real".

2. Satellite temperature data does not support the assumption that temperatures are rising rapidly:
Satelittdata siden starten i 1978 har havnet i økende konflikt med landbaserte målinger og tilhørende klimamodeller, og har ikke vist signifikant oppvarming på nærmere tjue år.

3. Current temperatures are always compared to the temperatures of the 1980â??s, but for many parts of the world the 1980â??s was the coldest decade of the last 100+ years:
Originaldata (ikke etterjusterte) viser at 1930-tallet er det varmeste tiåret de siste hundre år, og at man så velger å sammenligne nåtiden med den kaldeste perioden på 1980-tallet er "very misleading (or deceiving)" for å kunne hevde unormal oppvarming.

4. The world experienced a significant cooling trend between 1940 and 1980:
"If global temperatures decreased by such a significant amount over 40 years while atmospheric CO2 increased by such a large amount we can only reach two conclusions:
1. There must be a weak correlation, at best, between atmospheric CO2 and global temperatures,
2. There must be stronger factors driving climate and temperature than atmospheric CO2."

5. Urban heat island effect skews the temperature data of a significant number of weather stations: 
"When one only looks at daytime temperatures only from larger urban areas, the â??drastic global warmingâ? is no longer visible.  (This can also be seen when looking at nearby rural area weather station data, which is more indicative of the true climate of that area)."

6. There is a natural inverse relationship between global temperatures and atmospheric CO2 levels:
"Contrary to what would be assumed when listening to global warming banter or while watching An Inconvenient Truth, higher temperatures increase atmospheric CO2 levels and lower temperatures decrease atmospheric CO2 levels, not the other way around."
Dermed: "What we can conclude is that the ice ages were not caused by changes in the atmospheric CO2 levels and that other stronger factors were involved with these very large climate changes."

7. The CO2 cannot, from a scientific perspective, be the cause of significant global temperature changes:
Etter Ã¥ vist fysikken, skriver han: "It turns out that between water vapor and CO2, nearly all of the radiation that can be absorbed by CO2 is already being absorbed. Thus increasing the CO2 levels should have very minimal impact on the atmosphereâ??s ability to retain heat radiated from the Earth.  That explains why there appears to be a very weak correlation at best between CO2 levels and global temperatures and why after the CO2 levels have increased by 40% since the beginning of the industrial revolution the global average temperature has increased only 0.8 degrees centigrade, even if we want to contribute all of that increase to atmospheric CO2 increases and none of it to natural causes."

8. There have been many periods during our recent history that a warmer climate was prevalent long before the industrial revolution:
IPCCs 1990-rapport viste tydelig den varme middelalder, varmere enn i vÃ¥re dager. Dette ble selvsagt straks holdt opp som et kritisk argument mot AGW/CO2-hypotesen, og allerede i neste IPCC-rapport (1995) kom som kjent den famøse hockeykølla og en nesten total utvisking av Varm middelalder. Her blir Van Riezen sterk i sin kritikk: "The camps promoting global warming have been systematically erasing mention of these events in order to bolster the notion that todayâ??s climate is unusual compared to our recent history."

9. Glaciers have been melting for more than 150 years
Man kan ikke bruke bresmelting som "bevis" for en moderne menneskeskapt nedsmelting siden dette har foregÃ¥tt i generasjoner før menneskeskapt karbon pÃ¥beropes: "The notion of melting glaciers as prove positive that global warming is real has no real scientific basis.  Glaciers have been melting for over 150 years."

10. â??Data adjustmentâ? is used to continue the perception of global warming:
Her kommer kanskje den hardeste kritikken: Etter mange års gransking av historiske data så kom han til denne begredelige erkjennelse om tingenes tilstand:

For the first several years of my research I relied on the climate data banks of NASA and GISS, two of the most prestigious scientific bodies of our country.  After years of painstaking gathering of data, and relentless graphing of that data, I discovered that I was not looking at the originally gathered data, but data that had been â??adjustedâ? for what was deemed â??scientific reasons.â?  Unadjusted data is simply not available from these data banks. Fortunately I was able to find the original weather station data from over 7000 weather stations from around the world in the KNMI database.  (Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute).  There I was able to review both the adjusted and unadjusted data as well as the breakout of the daytime and nighttime data. 

The results were astounding.  I found that data from many stations around the world had been systematically â??adjustedâ? to make it seem that global warming was happening when, in fact, for many places around the world the opposite was true.  Following will be a few of the myriad of examples of this data adjustment.  When I present my material during presentations at local colleges, these are the charts that have some of the greatest impact in affecting the opinion of the students, especially when they realize that there is a concerted effort to misrepresent what is actually happening.  Another amazing result was that when only graphing the daily highs from around the country, a very different picture arises from the historical temperature data.

There are many more specific areas that I have researched and for which I have compiled data and presentation material, equally compelling regarding at exposing the fallacies of global warming.  A new twist has swept the global warming movement lately, especially since they had to admit that their own data showed that there was a â??hiatusâ? on the warming, as illustrated in the 2014 IPCC report; their data showed an actual cooling over the last 10 years.  The new term: â??climate changeâ? is now taking over, such that unusual events of any kind, like the record snowfall in Boston, can be blamed on the burning of fossil fuels without offering any concrete scientific data as to how one could cause the other."

Les sitatene under pkt. 10 en gang til: Her forklarer og konkretiserer Van Biezen det som har blitt hevdet av mange andre i mange år, nemlig at det foregår mye manipulering med historiske data som ikke oppdages før man gjør som han: Klarer å få tilgang til originaldata og så sammenligne dem med dagens "justerte".
Man trenger ikke Ã¥ være synsk for Ã¥ se at dette kommer det til Ã¥ bli en del debatt rundt, for Van Biezen kan Ã¥penbart legge fram konkret dokumentasjonsgrunnlag for dette, noe som man da ikke uten videre kan avfeie. 

Artikkelen som gjengitt i The Daily Wire News: http://www.dailywire.com/news/2071/most-comprehensive-assault-global-warming-ever-mike-van-biezen
Her vil jeg spesielt be dere se nøye på figurene han underbygger sine påstander med.

Van Biezen har lenge vært svært respektert for sin innsats innen bredfaglig undervisning på internett: https://www.youtube.com/user/ilectureonline

Fersk kommentar hos Jo Nova: http://joannenova.com.au/2015/12/10-reasons-we-know-global-warming-is-not-man-made-physics-prof-explains-his-switch-to-skepticism/#more-47080


Ja, og det siste jeg har hørt, er at de nylig fant ti overlevende fra Titanic som har drevet i 114 år på et isfjell i Atlanteren
og først ble oppdaget av Mike van Biezen som er en betydelig You Tube person. Dette i tillegg til at han har et grunnfag i kvalknulling fra Universitetet i Durban, eller var det Johannesburg. Van Biezen som for øvrig ofte er omtalt i Google Scholar;


men det er riktignok bare etternavnet, Mike synes å være ubeskrevet. Men når mannen tross alt har en rekke poster på eller i;

QuoteMike Van Biezen er adjunct professor ved Compton College, Santa Monica College, El Camino College, og Loyola Marymount University   

Så må jo han - på lik linje med enhver folkehøyskolelærer i Norge - vite litt av hvert slik at han kan levere det

Quote"The Most Comprehensive Assault On 'Global Warming' Ever" 

Og hvis ikke det stemmer skal jeg spise hatten min.

Ikke en gang Jo Nova er overbevist;

QuoteOnce I started reading it was easy to keep going. He  has quite the knack for writing.

Van Beizenâ??s other points essentially were that modern temperatures are not unprecedented â?? itâ??s all been hotter before. The pattern of warming in satellites doesnâ??t fit the supposed â??forcingâ?. The world cooled after WWII when it was supposed to warm. The urban heat island effect is real.Warming temperatures cause rises in CO2 (but not necessarily the other way around). (Quite a few of his points are the same as in the skeptics handbook. I too found the logarithmic curve of CO2 impact an eye-opener â?? at modern concentrations CO2 has little extra effect â?? itâ??s mostly already saturated.

He claims the 1980s were the coldest decade, which doesnâ??t sound right to me. Iâ??d like to know more about that.

Itâ??s well worth the read. Good on him

Er dette det Most Comprehensive bevis på at HVPU-reformen endelig har nådd klimaforskningen?


Quote from: Emeritus on 28.12.2015, 01:47:17
Mike synes å være ubeskrevet. Men når mannen tross alt har en rekke poster på eller i;

QuoteMike Van Biezen er adjunct professor ved Compton College, Santa Monica College, El Camino College, og Loyola Marymount University   

Så må jo han - på lik linje med enhver folkehøyskolelærer i Norge - vite litt av hvert slik at han kan levere det

Mike (Michael) van Biezen er en kar det ikke er lett Ã¥ finne full sivil info pÃ¥. Jeg fattet for et par Ã¥r siden interesse for noen meget elegante forelesninger han hadde lagt ut, men da jeg søkte pÃ¥ ham sÃ¥ jeg raskt at man ikke fikk ut mer enn en viss begrenset sivil bakgrunn, bl.a. en Master of Science, Physics ved California State University, Long Beach i perioden 1984 â?? 1990. Jeg spekulerte selvsagt pÃ¥ hvorfor jeg fant sÃ¥ lite info pÃ¥ en person som har det høyst meritterte oppdrag Ã¥ være professor ved fire læresteder. Litt graving avdekket imidlertid at mannen har en sikkerhetsklarert forsvarskarriere der man selvsagt ikke fÃ¥r ut det som trolig er hans hovedarbeidsomrÃ¥de:

Jeg fant først sånne "offisielle" ting som:

Loyola Marymount University
September 1993 â?? Present (22 years 4 months)Greater Los Angeles Area
Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy

Men så kom jeg litt videre:

Program Manager
January 2007 â?? Present (9 years)
Managed the development of the new radar processor for the F-15 and F-18 fighter aircraft. Also managed the software development of the tactical airborne radar software. Provided technical guidance for all the design, development, integration, and testing activities on the program.

Project manager
July 1995 â?? January 2007 (11 years 7 months)
Managed the development of the tactical embedded software on the F-15 fighter aircraft for the US, Saudi, Israeli, and Japanese Air Forces.

September 1984 â?? July 1995 (10 years 11 months)
Developed new manufacturing processes for the PWB (printed wiring board) factory. Designed, developed, and integrated embedded tactical radar modes for the F-14,F-15, and F-18 fighter aircraft.

At samme forsvarsmann i samme periode er professor ved fire ulike læresteder innen ganske heavy realfaglige disipliner (og samtidig er en prominent produsent av undervisningsvideoer innen disse temaene) sier antakelig at vi her snakker om en person der CV'en med hans fulle teoretiske bakgrunn ikke akkurat flyter rundt i offentligheten. 
At han opp i alt dette har levert en rekke kritiske innspill til klimaalarmismen gjør ikke denne figuren mindre interessant  8)

Dum er han Ã¥penbart ikke. Ikke pÃ¥ nivÃ¥ med klomsene pÃ¥ Cicero og Bjerknes i hvertfall. Jeg er redd denne mannen kan sine gravitasjonslover noe bedre. 

PS: Jo Nova må lære seg å lese hva som egentlig sies
Vi kan vel ikke akkurat klandre van Biezen for at Jo Nova gjennom dÃ¥rlig lesning produserer en strÃ¥mann pÃ¥ ham, for hun presterer faktisk Ã¥ skrive at "He claims the 1980s were the coldest decade, which doesnâ??t sound right to me. Iâ??d like to know more about that."
Men van Biezen har aldri sagt at 1980-tallet er "the coldest decade", han sier derimot tydelig til og med i overskriften til pkt. 3 at "....but for many parts of the world the 1980â??s was the coldest decade of the last 100+ years". Se det, "mange steder i verden" er noe helt annet enn Novas feilsitering om "the coldest decade", og i samsvar med det man kan finne ogsÃ¥ i tidlige IPCC-rapporter.

Ved å lese hele teksten hans slik den skal forstås, jfr. særlig pkt. 4 samt grafene fra ulike steder i verden under pkt. 10, ser man bedre poenget med den påfallende globale trendvariasjonen også på 1980-tallet. Det CO2-klimatiske poeng her er selvsagt at sameksisterende kaldere og varmere trender ulike steder i verden i kombinasjon med jevnt høyere CO2-nivåer i jordens atmosfære er et klart og empirisk dokumenterbart argument mot CO2-hypotesens påstand om ensidig temperaturøkning ved økende CO2-nivåer. Hvilket er et hovedpoeng ved hele CO2-kritikken. Jo Nova har altså ikke forstått hovedpoenget i hva van Biezen sier her.