Har BBC endelig gått for langt?

Started by ConTrari1, 28.08.2020, 18:14:02

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Watts har en artikkel om BBC; to parlamentsmedlemmer har nå lagt frem forslag til nye lover om BBC, der de blant annet vil miste retten til å kreve inn lisenspenger som idag, der manglende betaling kan defineres som en forbrytelse. Det er tydelig at tålmodigheten med dette meningsmonopolet er tynnslitt, bl.a. som følge av BBCs bevisste slagside når det gjelder klimasaken.

BBC climate bias has been well documented by WUWT, including a recent nasty attempt to smear the reputation of Dr. Willie Soon. This abuse all stems from a meeting a decade ago, in which the BBC accepted advice from a secret panel of experts whose names they refused to release, which concluded that the BBC could ignore their normal charter requirement to be impartial when it comes to discussing climate change.

But trouble for the BBC has been brewing on another front.

The BBC uses license fee collection methods which in my opinion are nothing short of brutal. They enforce their special privilege to collect mandatory license fees even if you don't watch the BBC.


Et annet forslag handler om å privatisere BBC, slik at de må konkurrere på lik linje med andre media kanaler, og mister dermed sin særstilling også formelt. Reelt sett har de forlengst mistet den, når de skamløst fronter venstrevridd politikk og fornekting av fakta om klima.

These are, at the moment, Private Members Bills – from Peter Bone and Christopher Chope – so not likely to become law unless the government takes them up. Guido reckons the decriminalisation of non-payment of the BBC licence fee is actually likely to happen. This will put the BBC on the same footing as any other creditor in the courts. Some form of beefed-up oversight could happen, if the BBC has any sense they will try and get ahead of the game and stop their own BBC journalists tweeting opinions about politics and giving their partisan lack of impartiality public amplification on social media.


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