Viktig innlegg i Die Zeit

Started by ConTrari1, 08.07.2020, 10:41:59

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Her tar en fast kommentator i Die Zeit virkelig bladet fra munnen og roper varsko om ensretting av vitenskapen:

A German weekly "Die Zeit" commentary criticizes the hostility directed at skeptical climatologists and epidemiologists.

"Where do we end up if a scientist's degree of alarm becomes a litmus test for his scientific respectability?" Science activism represents "relapse into pre-enlightened thinking".

The false prophets
Over the recent years, we've seen a number of alarmist climate scientists demanding we believe that they are the beholders of the truth, and so policymakers need to heed their advice without question.

Science hubris
That hubris has gotten so dreadful that journalist Thea Dorn has since felt compelled to pen a commentary appearing in the centre-left Die Zeit: "Don't preach, do research instead!"

Og med spesifikke spark til ledende tyske klimaforskere, vi vi noen gang se noe tilsvarende i Norge?

Thea Dorn particularly fires harsh criticism at Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf, alarmist scientist at the Potsdam Institute, for suggesting in an essay in Spiegel in 2019 that mankind somehow had control over the "earth system" but was losing that control, an assumption that Dorn called "absurd and highly questionable".

Dorn slams Rahmstorf and Prof. Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber for mischaracterizing the earth's complexity as a mere set a dominoes on the verge of toppling, and claiming they have the models to predict the future, and they and the alarmist virologists and immunologists should be heeded.

Be thankful for skeptics
On the role of skeptics, Dorn writes: "On the contrary: we can be thankful that – still? – there are enough scientists who reject the magic of the crystal ball and the delusion of total controllability."

Denne nødvendige kritikken er nok til dels en bivirkning av Corona, for tyske kritikere av medisinsk konsensus har blitt møtt med like infame personangrep som klima-skeptikere. Den slags forsøk på  sensur kan i  verste fall resultere i fare for folkehelsen. Det er ikke så lett å ignorere som klimadebatten.
Du må være litt gal, ellers blir du gæærn.