
Klimadebatt => Skråblikk => Topic started by: Ryddegutt on 22.07.2016, 12:48:27

Title: Ny svada rapport
Post by: Ryddegutt on 22.07.2016, 12:48:27
Her er nok en svada rapport som skal skremme publikum. Denne "studien" er så fjollete at den passer inn under emnet "Skråblikk" her på bloggen.

QuoteIf the natural concentration had been a factor of two or more lower, the climate impacts of fossil fuel CO2 release would have occurred about 50 or more years sooner, making it much more challenging for the developing human society to scientifically understand the phenomenon of anthropogenic climate change in time to prevent it.

https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/07/21/claim-if-co2-had-started-off-lower-anthropogenic-warming-would-be-worse/ (https://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/07/21/claim-if-co2-had-started-off-lower-anthropogenic-warming-would-be-worse/)

Det som kunne vært skremmende er selvfølgelig at hvis CO2 innholdet i atmosfæren hadde vært det halve av hva det faktisk var under siste istid så hadde her ikke vært noen mennesker igjen til å finne opp CAGW bløffen. Våre forfedrene hadde alle vært døde pga ekte katastrofisk massedød av planter som følge av CO2 mangel.

Men det er kanskje mye forlangt at verdens ledende "klimaekaperter" skjønner dette når deres "faglige" ballast kan være slik som beskrevet her:

Unfortunately, the U.S. Global Change Research Program's definition of climate science literacy raises the question of whether climatology is even a science. It defines climate science literacy as "an understanding of your influence on climate and climate's influence on you and society."

How can students understand and put into perspective their influence on the Earth's climate if they don't understand the myriad of processes that affect our climate? If they don't understand the complexity of climate itself? If they are told only human aspects matter? And if they don't understand these processes, how can they possibly comprehend how climate influences them and society in general?
