
Klimadebatt => Aktører og hendelser => Topic started by: translator on 23.09.2020, 00:05:54

Title: Patrick Moore om brannene i California
Post by: translator on 23.09.2020, 00:05:54
Patrick Moore forklarer i dette intervjuet hvorfor brannene i California har lite med klimaendringer og mye med dårlig skogforvaltning å gjøre:

QuoteOn a special bonus episode of Power Hour Alex Epstein interviews Patrick Moore, ecologist and cofounder of Greenpeace, on the realm causes of California's wildfire disaster. Moore pins the blame squarely on "green" forest mismanagement. Topics covered include:

* What are the top policy changes necessary to prevent dangerous, out of control wildfires (not the same as fires)?
* How does private vs. government ownership of land affect the likelihood of dangerous fires?
* What are the major drivers of dangerous, out of control wildfires?
* What places in the world have the best wildfire management?
* How have government policies changed for the worse in the US?
* How do you respond to claims that these fires are inevitable because of climate changes?
* Dr. Moore's forthcoming book on invisible catastrophes.

Title: Re: Patrick Moore om brannene i California
Post by: ConTrari1 on 23.09.2020, 08:11:47
Quote from: translator on 23.09.2020, 00:05:54
Patrick Moore forklarer i dette intervjuet hvorfor brannene i California har lite med klimaendringer og mye med dårlig skogforvaltning å gjøre:

QuoteOn a special bonus episode of Power Hour Alex Epstein interviews Patrick Moore, ecologist and cofounder of Greenpeace, on the realm causes of California's wildfire disaster. Moore pins the blame squarely on "green" forest mismanagement. Topics covered include:

* What are the top policy changes necessary to prevent dangerous, out of control wildfires (not the same as fires)?
* How does private vs. government ownership of land affect the likelihood of dangerous fires?
* What are the major drivers of dangerous, out of control wildfires?
* What places in the world have the best wildfire management?
* How have government policies changed for the worse in the US?
* How do you respond to claims that these fires are inevitable because of climate changes?
* Dr. Moore's forthcoming book on invisible catastrophes.


Cliff Mass Weather Blog har en meget grundig og overbevisende artikkel om brannene i Oregon og Washington. Som selvsagt ble bortforklart med "klimaendringer" og co2 utslipp, ja de har til og med fått propaganda-navnet "climate fires".

Artikkelen går nøye til verks med å forklare de spesielle forholdene som skapte det store omfanget av disse brannene.

I should note that BEFORE the recent fires I had been working on research and a paper on the meteorology of western Cascade fires and have a NSF grant to examine California wildfires.  Furthermore, I have worked closely with the Washington State Departments of Ecology and Natural Resources, as well as the USDA Forest Service, on Northwest wildfire meteorology and prediction.

As I will demonstrate, the catastrophic Oregon Cascade fires of the past weeks were forced by strong easterly winds, and such winds may well weaken under global warming.

Østlige vinder har tørr luft, mens vestavinden fra havet er mer kjølig og fuktig. Luften varmes opp når den blir komprimert på ferden ned langs Cascade fjellene, og østavinden er også sjelden, og oppsto i dette tilfellet på grunn av kaldt vær i Midtvesten.

Strong easterly winds are relatively unusual during the summer over western Oregon   So how unusual was this easterly flow event?   It turns out EXTREMELY unusual. 

What produced this record-breaking easterly wind event starting Sept. 7th?  An extraordinarily area of COLD temperatures and associated high pressure area that moved southeastward to the east of our region, coupled with an unusual low pressure offshore.

Let me underline something I noted above: the anomalous high pressure was associated with very unusually cold air, air that would bring snow to Denver in the subsequent day.

Men, men, men...slik sterk østavind må vel skyldes klimaendringene (noen annen forklaring kan vi ikke finne / få betalt for)?

So we have observational data that shows that summer easterly flow over the Cascades did not increase during the last 70 years as the planet started to warm.  Furthermore, the gold standard in climate simulations shows late summer easterly flow declining under global warming.   

So the absolutely key driver of major west side of Cascades wildfires--strong easterly winds-- does not appear to be strengthened by global warming.  In fact, the OPPOSITE appears to be the case.  It appears to weaken.

Grundig, nøktern, klar og fyldig redegjørelse, uten store fakter. Vel verdt å bruke noen minutter på.
