
Klimadebatt => Skråblikk => Topic started by: Telehiv on 06.07.2020, 10:53:14

Title: Alarmismen lever: Hvordan Jersey går til grunne i alarmismepressen
Post by: Telehiv on 06.07.2020, 10:53:14
Det er bl.a. The Press of Atlantic City som har slått opp en makaløs skremselsartikkel om alt som vil klimahjemsøke Jersey-området utenfor New York:

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Avisen henter imidlertid sitt skremselsstoff fra en rapport fra The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) som ble sluppet forrige uke. Som iflg. nettstedet Climate Realism er så "outrageous that climate realists should print copies and use it to win over alarmists. The media, nevertheless, are trumpeting without scrutiny the report's "findings," and even adding to the alarm. But don't panic, New Jersey will be just fine. Let's debunk some of the report's claims".

Link: https://climaterealism.com/2020/07/new-jersey-bureaucrats-unveil-laughably-ridiculous-climate-report/


Her er litt av innholdet i det Climate Realism angir som en "laughably ridiculous climate report":

Blåbærene kan ikke overleve med Jerseytemperaturer - men stortrives i Tampa, Florida
Rapporten dømmer altså Jersey-blåbærene til et klimaendelikt. Men problemet med denne "analysen" er at tre av de 10 største blåbærprodusentene i USA er Florida, Georgia, og Mississippi som alle har mye varmere klima enn Jersey. Florida er. f.eks. vert for et stort antall blåbærfestivaler hvert år i april, mai, og juni. Rapporten sier selvsagt ikke noe om hvordan blåbærene kan varmedrepes i New Jersey, når et av de viktigste blåbærdistriktene i USA er mye varmere Tampa, Florida.

Climate Realism konkluderer rimelig oppgitt:
"To show how preposterous the blueberry claim is, Atlantic City, New Jersey has an average high temperature of 64 degrees, and an average low of 45 degrees. Tampa, Florida, where blueberries grow quite well, is 19 degrees hotter, with an average high temperature of 82 degrees and an average low of 65 degrees. The claim that New Jersey will soon become so hot that blueberries "will no longer be grown in the state" is clearly a preposterous lie."

Gulfinken kan ikke overleve med Jersey-temperaturer - men stortrives i mye varmere klima
For å skape de rette katastrofestemningene har man valgt å skremme med gulfinken, New Jerseys egen "statsfugl" (slik fossekallen er Norges nasjonalfugl).
Men dette er også så ellevilt at man må nesten bare sitere CR igjen:
"As shown here, the American goldfinch lives year-round as far south as Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Louisiana. It is also a common winter resident in Florida. Yet, New Jersey bureaucrats and their media sock-puppets claim it will soon become too hot in New Jersey for the goldfinch. Even the most alarmist of alarmists do not claim New Jersey will become hotter than Louisiana and Florida. The claim that global warming will soon drive goldfinches from New Jersey is also clearly a preposterous lie."

Klassikeren: Jersey skal overflømmes i dette århundre
Jeg velger bare å sitere CR igjen:
"Finally, let's examine sea level and Atlantic City flooding. Atlantic City sits at an elevation of 7 feet. During the past 100-plus years, sea level at Atlantic City has been rising at a steady pace of approximately 4.12 millimeters per year, or 1.6 inches per decade. There has been no recent increase in the pace of sea level rise. Atlantic City has dealt with the slow, steady sea-level rise quite well utilizing 20th century technologies. Sand dunes and sea walls protect Atlantic City and cities all over the world from sea level rise and floods. Despite this, New Jersey bureaucrats claim that, even with the advantages of 21st century technologies, a city that sits at 7 feet above sea level will see flooding "almost every day of the year" if it experiences just a few more inches of sea level rise? That is simply ridiculous."

Ikke rart James Taylor konkluderer slik: "Time to cancel the New Jersey climate crisis."

Eller sagt på en annen måte: Hva skal klimaalarmistene med fiender, når de har seg selv å skamme seg over!?

Title: Re: Alarmismen lever: Hvordan Jersey går til grunne i alarmismepressen
Post by: translator on 06.07.2020, 14:48:43
Quote from: Telehiv on 06.07.2020, 10:53:14
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